Introduction-Who Even is She?

 Hi all!

My name is Penelope, I am 21, born, raised, and currently live in Fairbanks. I have my four furbabies, better known as my pride and joy. I am married and work full time, (yeah, trust me, I am tired) so I am usually pretty busy! I enjoy walks with my pups, binge watching Youtube or movies with my husband, and falling down random rabbit holes on the internet. I started a garden this year which I am super excited to see grow and hopefully survive through the summer. My brain doesn't ever really turn off so I like to keep it busy with all sorts of activities.

This is a robot which slowly leaks hydraulic fluid.When it was first produced, the robot was lively and moved around with passion. As the fluid slowly leaked more and more and the robot had to work harder to move around to pull the fluid back in, it became more tired and seemed to lose its will to continue to keep working to keep itself alive

Weng, X. (2016) Can’t Help Myself by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, Guggenheim. Available at: (Accessed: 27 May 2024). 

I do not work with a lot of art personally but I do love going to paint nights with my friends and taking photos of nature. I also consider my obsession with houseplants and gardening (sometimes which doesn't go to plan. RIP all the plants I have lost) an art. It takes a lot of work to not only plant but then continue to keep the plant alive. But I appreciate a lot of forms of art, I have friends who paint as a past time, I go to art museums occasionally, and I am on social media chronically. In turn this means I see art published to social media often, and I like to think I can appreciate an art piece with meaning that I can relate to.

Guggenheim - this is the same site I got my information on the information for "Can't Help Myself". An amazing museum with many exhibitions and information on them.


  1. Beautiful blog sweetheart! So proud to call you my granddaughter. Have a great semester.

  2. Visiting the Guggenheim is a great reason to visit NYC. There is also one in Spain.

  3. As someone who’s also chronically online, I think it’s a great space to appreciate art. I feel like I at least have seen more art through various social media platforms than I have otherwise. If you’re interested in another rabbit hole to fall down though, check out Sigmund Freud’s book on Da Vinci, it’s an interesting read!


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